Tom Waters
interest in irises began in the 1970s, when I was a teenager in Las
Cruces, New Mexico. (My name was then Tom Little). My mom and I
stumbled onto the iris rhizome sale of the local club, the Mesilla
Valley Iris Society, and in less than a year I was an iris
enthusiast. The club had many knowledgeable and helpful members who
soon became friends: George Bryant, Gus Seligmann, Ann Wright,
Margaret Dean, Sharon McAllister, and Maxine Perkins, to name just a
few. I grew over 1000 varieties of iris on our quarter-acre lot
north of town, served as the club's secretary, show chairman, and
president, went through the American Iris Society judges
training program, and received the AIS Youth Achievement Award. This
was an exciting time - so much to learn and so many friendly people
to meet and know. I have fond memories of visiting Keith Keppel, Joe
Gatty, and Ben Hager in Stockton, all of whom were delighted to open
their homes and gardens to a visiting youth and his family. I began
hybridizing, focused primarily on rebloomers but trying a bit of
everything. With a friend, I started a small commercial garden, New
Dimensions, which introduced Gus Seligmann's first irises in
That same year, I received a scholarship to attend Oxford University for two years. Upon my return, I was busy with graduate school (PhD in astronomy from New Mexico State), and my iris hobby remained on hold for many years, as education and then career kept me moving from place to place.
the early 1990s, I settled in Los Alamos with my wife. Soon we had a
baby girl. (I was Tom Tadfor Little during the marriage.) I was able
to take up gardening again, and returned to growing irises and
participating in iris societies. I started the first internet
discussion group for irises, the Iris-L mailing list. During this
time I was yearbook editor (and briefly acting president) for the
Aril Society International, and my hybridizing interest became
focused on expanding the fertile families, particularly the
tetraploid arils, the arilpums, and the 48-chromosome dwarfs and
medians. It seemed a very promising time for this kind of
work: the Norris and Holden tetraploid oncogelia seedlings were
in circulation, and the ongoing success of the aphylla lines of Hager
and the Craigs gave hope that new fertile families of arils and
arilbreds were imminent. A move from Los Alamos to Santa Fe gave me a
larger garden and room for seedlings. I found kindred spirits in
Thoolen and Harald Mathes, whom I
corresponded with regularly.
Life changes again intervened in my hobby. My marriage ended in 2002, and for some time I was living in apartments and small rental houses with little or no garden space.
remarried in 2007 (becoming Tom Waters), and in 2009 bought a house
on 1.1 acres in Cuyamunge, New Mexico. It didn't take long for my
fascination with irises to resurface. (Perhaps the tipping point was
finding those irises I introduced for Gus almost 30 years ago for
sale from Malevil Gardens in Texas.) Even better, I have the time and
financial resources to build my dream garden. My focus is on
hybridizing, working with the same families of irises as before, and
also with ensuring that some of the genetically important species and
hybrids are preserved for future generations to enjoy and work with.
As they say, third time's a charm! For now, my goal is to acquire as
much breeding material as I can, make crosses, and learn. I hope
these web pages will serve as a resource for those interested in
expanding the fertile families of beared and aril irises.
I am presently serving as vice president of the Aril Society International, and active in the Dwarf Iris Society of America as well.
I currently work as a radiation protection manager at Los Alamos National Laboratory, looking forward to retirement in 2021. I live in Cuyamungue, New Mexico, with my wife Karen, fiber artist and photographer. My other interests include writing science fiction and fantasy, cooking, Pagan spirituality, and the study of languages.
September 2010
Updated March 2019