This listing is intended to include all irises that belong to the
48-chromosome TTTT fertile family, excluding TB and BB irises
which are assumed to be of this type by default. These are nearly all
MTBs and IBs from I. aphylla breeding. There is unavoidable
uncertainty and arbritrariness in a list of this type, given
incomplete parentage information, and the combining of tetraploid and
diploid lines in the work of some hybridizers. This list is thus not
meant to be definitive, but rather provides a starting place for
acquiring a collection of tetraploid medians or for interpreting
pedigrees. Additions or corrections are welcome.
48-Chromosome Median
Abridged Version Aglow Again Aglow Within Ah Yes Alani Anna's Angels Autumn Splash Ben A Factor Blue Chip Stock Bold Bright Sparks Chartres Cheerful Doll Claire Doodle Coral Caper Color By Twos Dancing Lilacs Devotee Dinky Easy Echo Pond Eleanor Wells Emma Doodle En Route Endless Treasure Evening Pond Fisher Fashion Foxy Ferret Foxy Lass Garden Imp Gumdrops Hippy Chick Hoodsport In Fashion Indigo Child Ingenious Paradox Jungle Eden Kentish Lass Kid Lighter Moments Little Egypt Little Me Little Misty Little Peaches Little Who Little You Look Here Louise Hopper Lucy Doodle Maidenhood Marjorie L Middle Class Mumu My Souvenir Mystic Crystal Mystic Glow New Encore New Idea New Wave Night Spirit No Regrets Not a Whisper Orange Starlet Ozark Dream Ozark Evening Ozark Maid Ozark Princess Ozark Sky Parturient Patty J Payoff Pert Princess Petite Celia Pink-All-Over Pink Buttons Pink Flyaway Pioneer Pink Please Priceless Puppy Love Purple Mantle Raspberry Shocker Rave Review Red Vision Relight Return To Me Rose City Sailboat Sara's Love Say Red Scale Model Scandalous She's a Doll Shrinking Violet Silver Ice Sky Tracery Smash Snob Appeal Spell Spring Blush Staplehurst Start the Party Stitched In Blue Style Model Stylish Lass Sun Spirit Sunshiny Tic Tac Toe Ting A Ling Tit Willow To the Contrary Two Rivers White Crane White Wine You Make Me Happy Adopt Me Alberta Clipper Annikins Captured Casual Attire Commotion Dalriada Dancing Fountain Departure Fashion Holiday First Lady of Spring Forceful Fresh Image Garden Garnet Inner Gleam King Kiss Me Kate Lapwing Le Sabre Little Stylist Little Sunrise Luscious Lass Maroon Caper Minion Morning Smile My Fantasy Mystical Passage Progenitor Reformation Sailing Free Saucy Shining Debut Step Ahead Sultry Dreams Takeoff Tie Dyed Tyke Arrival Slick Trick Chocobeards Date with Destiny Dolce Night Mood Tea Shop Mystery Understated Wild Petticoats I. aphylla (all
clones): Austrian Violet
benacensis biflora bifurcata bisflorens bohemica Bright Water Bujoreanui Chamaeiris Campbelli Chloris Coelstis Dacia dacica fieberi gigantea hungarica hungarica minor Hungary Ladies Of Peeling Minnow monantha nudicaulis nudicaulis
major nudicaulis
purpuerea Osiris Ostry White polonica Prodan Slick Slovakia Thisbe Thisbe's Child Transylvania Native Wee Charmer Werckmeister Wine Red Yellow Conundrum I. belouinii (TB) I. croatica
(BB/TB) I. cypriana (TB) I. junonia (IB) I. kasmiriana (TB) I. mesopotamica
(TB) I. purpureobractea
(IB) I. reichenbachii (MDB, some
clones) I. reichenbachii balkana
Darby I. reichenbachii balkana
Hanselmayer form I. reichenbachii balkana
Simonet form I. schachtii
(MDB/SDB) I. trojana (TB)
I. reichenbachii
September 2010
updated August 2018
Unless otherwise noted, all text and illustrations copyright Tom Waters and all photographs copyright Tom or Karen Waters. Please do not reproduce without permission.