Celestial Gossip




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The Celestial Gossip column provides a quick run-down of what the planets are up to in the coming months. These issues and energies are universal, they are "in the air" for all of us at this time. Whether a particular planet's energy has a personal impact for you depends on where it is placed compared with the planets in your birth chart.

I choose to describe the shifting relationship of the planets in human terms, so this column reads something like a soap opera. I hope you find this approach entertaining. I also hope it helps to convey, on a visceral or imaginative level, what energies are at work and what the astrological "atmosphere" of these months will feel like. I follow on at the end with a little concrete advice.

Celestial Gossip for January, February, and March

Celestial Gossip for October, November, and December (2008)

Celestial Gossip for July, August, and September (2008)

Celestial Gossip for April, May, and June (2008)

Celestial Gossip for January, February, and March (2008)

Celestial Gossip for October, November, and December (2007)

Copyright © 2007-2008 Tom Waters

Copyright © 2007-2008 Tom Waters