


Spiritual Reflections

Pagan Witchcraft


Who Is Starweaver?

Archive of Past Issues

Site Index

Blog: Starweaver's Corner



Welcome to the personal web site of Starweaver, Wiccan priest, tarot and astrology practitioner, and dabbler in the visual arts. This site is an expression of my own personality: sometimes focused, sometimes fanciful, always fluid. I hope you find this a place of beauty, wisdom, and warmth.

Feature Article

The Third Door: We are Relational Beings

The mystery of finding oneself through connection with others.

When my daughter was about eight months old, I had my first true experience of solo parenting. Her mother had left on a road trip to help her sister move house, and I was alone with Anne-Marie in her absence. Now I was a good 90's dad - I shared some of the chores and shared the baby-care duties much of the time. But now, mom was not around to back me up in my efforts, and I had to manage on my own. It was a Sunday night, and I was putting her down to sleep. We did the customary holding and singing, and when she fell asleep I set her into her crib and tiptoed off to bed. She woke up. We tried again. She woke up again. With each iteration, it just got worse. She got less and less inclined to sleep, and I got less and less patient. That this would happen this way is exceedingly obvious to me now, as I am sure it is to parents reading this, but at the time I was completely at a loss.

Finally, it became clear that my approach wasn't getting us anywhere, and we needed to do something different. So I put her in bed with me and we played. You know, baby games. Before long, I was having fun myself, and my mind was cleared of thoughts about getting to sleep or how to be a good parent. We were just together, sharing the moment. And of course, it didn't take much play before she fell soundly asleep. . . .

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Celestial Gossip for April, May, and June

Starweaver's down-to-earth look at the doings of the heavenly gods and goddesses in the months ahead.

In the last episode, we followed Venus and Mercury off into a sentimental liaison in Pisces, and left Saturn having a rather lonely, uneventful time in the office. Jupiter, having provided gifts of productivity and motivation early in the year, had lost some of the energy behind his efforts as his planetary helpers turned their attention to other matters, although he did received a little boost of insight from Venus and Mercury at the end of the month.

Now, as April comes, the most important news is that the wayward couple of Venus and Mercury are seeking a more independent approach to their activities, and leaving Jupiter irritated and perplexed. They head off into Aries together during the first few days of the month, becoming quite sure of themselves and forceful in their dealings. . . .

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Subscribing to Starweaver's Gems from Earth and Sky

If you enjoy the material presented here and would like to receive each new issue as it becomes available, you are invited to subscribe to Gems from Earth and Sky. There are three formats available:

  • email notice: you will receive a short text-only email eight times a year to let you know that a new issue has been posted on this website (no charge)
  • email newsletter: you will receive a condensed version of each issue, including graphics, one or two articles, and summaries with links to full articles on this site (no charge)
  • print edition: you will receive a print copy of the entire issue by mail. The cost is $20 per year (eight issues) or $10 for four issues.

To subscribe, send email to starweaver at thekashi dot net, indicating which option you would prefer. If subscribing to the print edition, also include your mailing address and send payment to

Tom Waters
P O Box 201
Tesuque, NM 87574-0201

Of course, your contact information will not be shared with anyone.

If you intend to read this website regularly, please do sign up for the email notice - it's simple, free, and gives me important information about the level of interest in this project. Thanks!

In the next issue...

The next issue of Gems from Earth and Sky will be published on Beltane, May 4. Look for a Seasons of the Goddess story, Moon Magic, Sacred Space, Earth Powers, Rune Lore, and more.

Pilfered Wisdom

Light is the left hand of darkness
And darkness the right hand of light.
Two are one, life and death, lying
Together like lovers in kemmer,
Like hands joined together,
Like the end and the way.

- Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness

Gems from Earth and Sky

Ostara 2008 Issue

Ostara, the spring equinox, is a time or rapid change for the Earth. The days are now as long as the nights, and growing longer. The snows are melted, and the earth is starting to turn green with life again.

This issue revisits Celestial Gossip, Tarot Wisdom, and Seven Doors. Seasons of the Goddess / Seasons of the God continues, as do the Imaginarium and the cooking and gardening features.

Check out our Blog!

I finally gave in and started a blog on Wordpress. I'm using it for more spontaneous msuings and remarks than the articles I post here on the main site.

Check it out

Ostara, The Victory of Light

As sunlight comes again, Goldhelm, now grown to manhood, returns to claim his kingdom from the corrupt and aging King Hollyhorn.

The snows of winter were thawing at last, but there was little cheer among the people of the land. Old king Hollyhorn had fallen into a life of corruption and debauchery. The feasts that had once been welcome celebrations of special days had now become excuses to squander food and wine, day in and day out. Those he favored were treated like playthings or pets, while those out of favor were punished cruelly or left to starve on the streets. Hollyhorn had grown fat with age, and he seldom washed or combed his hair, which had become greasy and matted.

Even those closest to the king feared him, because his mood would shift suddenly and without provocation. His guards and officials had long since given up all pretext of law and justice . . .

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The Priest

The tarot card that is named the Hierophant in many modern decks was traditionally titled The Pope. I think High Priest or simply Priest serves well as a cross-cultural name for the card, and that is the name I will use in this article.

The Priest is a symbol of organized religion and all that goes along with it. Traditionally speaking, he can be a religious or moral authority and a spiritual teacher. His teaching, however, is thought of as one-to-many: he addresses a whole community, disseminating whatever spiritual or religious knowledge he deems the community needs.

The card raises many issues for modern Pagans and other seekers outside the mainstream religions. The Priest can be seen as a symbol of everything that is wrong with organized religion . . .

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Upcoming Events

The Ways of Magic
a weekend workshop with InaraMichelle and Starweaver
April 12-13, 2008, $110
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

Rhythms of the Sun and Moon
a Saturday workshop with Starweaver
May 10, 2008, $60
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

House Blessings
a morning workshop with Starweaver
May 11, 2008, $35
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

Meditation for Discovery
an afternoon workshop with Starweaver
May 11, 2008, $35
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

Astrology for Pagans
a weekend workshop with Starweaver and Rowan
May 24-25, 2008, $110
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

Whole Expo Santa Fe
Metaphysical/Wholistic Conference and Exhibition
May 31 and June 1, 2008, $10
Museo Cultural de Santa Fe

Rune Wisdom
a Saturday workshop with Starweaver
August 16, 2008, $60
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

Introduction to Qabalah
a Sunday workshop with Starweaver
August 17, 2008, $60
at Ardantane near Jemez Springs

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From the Hearth: Mediterranean Peppers in Olive Oil

In the Garden: The Care and Feeding of Soil

The Imaginarium: Around

Copyright © 2007-2008 Tom Waters