
Welcome to the personal web site of Starweaver, Wiccan priest, tarot and astrology practitioner, and dabbler in the literary and visual arts. This site is an expression of my own personality: sometimes focused, sometimes fanciful, always fluid. I hope you find this a place of beauty, wisdom, and warmth.

Blessings, Tom




Spiritual Reflections

Pagan Witchcraft


Who Is Starweaver?

Archive of Past Issues

Site Index

Blog: Starweaver's Corner


Feature Article

The Fifth Door: Transcendence Complements Engagement

Most spiritual traditions harbor an uneasy tension between two impulses: to rise above the details of physical life and experience existence as pure spirit, and to engage the world we live in and help change it for the better. In my view, these impulses are not contradictory, but instead complement each other and work together.

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Moon Magic for November, December, and January

My look at upcoming full moons and dark moons and the energies they have to offer for magic and ritual.

Astronomical Moon data now included.

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Rune Lore: Jera

The Rune Lore series continues with my personal take on Jera, the rune of harvest and cycles.

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Special: I've created a TrueType font of the Elder Futhark, which you are welcome to download and use for free.

The Imaginarium: The Ordein

A short background essay pertaining to my Greenhall world.

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Subscribing to Starweaver's Gems from Earth and Sky

If you enjoy the material presented here and would like to receive each new issue as it becomes available, you are invited to subscribe to Gems from Earth and Sky. There are three formats available:

  • email notice: you will receive a short text-only email eight times a year to let you know that a new issue has been posted on this website (no charge)
  • email newsletter: you will receive a condensed version of each issue, including graphics, one or two articles, and summaries with links to full articles on this site (no charge)
  • print edition: you will receive a print copy of the entire issue by mail. The cost is $20 per year (eight issues) or $10 for four issues.

To subscribe, send email to starweaver at thekashi dot net, indicating which option you would prefer. If subscribing to the print edition, also include your mailing address and send payment to

Tom Waters
P O Box 201
Tesuque, NM 87574-0201

Of course, your contact information will not be shared with anyone.

If you intend to read this website regularly, please do sign up for the email notice - it's simple, free, and gives me important information about the level of interest in this project. Thanks!

Copyright © 2007-2008 Tom Waters